So I am assuming you have a spreadsheet somewhere that has the sibling information listed since you refer to the vlookup kicking in. Is there a column that indicates the siblings are related? You can't just go on last name as there are often siblings with different last names. I am also assuming that if you select Billy for the Yankees and Jamie is added to the team, those 2 players should not be available for drafting on another team. What should happen if all the spots for an age group are filled when a sibling is chosen in a slot of another age. For example, lets say Billy is chosen in the 12 year old section, Jamie is his sibling but there are no more open 11 year old slots available. What should happen? What should happen if you have 2 siblings the same age? Should they go to the same team?
How are you envisioning this will work, with VBA code or with just formulas?