Hi everyone,

I have a number of combo boxes on a userform:

ComboBox1: This has a list of quarters, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
ComboBox50 - ComboBox75: This combo boxes should have a list of dates based on the value selected in ComboBox1

On my excel worksheet "Criteria" I have defined cell ranges Q1Dates, Q2Dates, Q3Dates, Q4Dates

What I'm trying to do is:

1. The user selects a quarter in ComboBox1
2. Based on the selection in #1, Comboboxes 50 - 75 change to reflect the excel range list I've shown above. For example

if the user selects Q1 in ComboBox1, then the list in Q1Dates found on the Criteria worksheet will be show up in ComboBoxes 50 - 75.

Any ideas?
