Hi all,

I am totally new to this forum posting thing, but have been trolling all forums I can find on Google and I just cannot find a combination of answers to get me to what I need. I am also very new to using Macros and VBA so I have been struggling to get to the bottom of this one, but I feel its definitely achievable with the right set of code (hopefully simple enough for me to understand)

Basically I am trying to achieve the following date and time stamps in a set of three columns based on the following:

1. [Column1] of Table1 = when this is updated then the date and time is stamped in [Column5] of the excel table.a. my issue here is that when I paste data into this column onto multiple rows at the same time, only the first row is updatedwith the date - I need it to be every row not just the first row.

2. A range of columns, say [Column2]:[Column4] in the excel table = when this range of columns within the excel table is updated, whether it be a single cell, or a combination of cells at the same time via copy paste, I want the corresponding row to be updated with the date and time stamp in [Column6] for each updated row.

3. And finally, whenever a new row is added to the table, I would like the date and time stamp to be added to the new row in column [Column7]. So in theory every row will have a date in [Column7] but shouldn't change, only update when added in the first instance.

I started with the below very basic Change event code and I could get it to work on some of my requirements above but not all (especially the new row added and also the copy and paste into a range)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Target.Column = 1 Then
Application.=EnableEvents = False
Cells(Target.Row, 2).Value = Date + Time
Application.EnableEvents = True

End If

Emd Sub