Im a noob!!! Help

On one sheet (Sheet 1) i have a data set of: column with a header of "Customers" with a range of Test Customer 1...13; column with a header of "Attention" with a range of Joe Test 1...13; column with a header of "Phone" with a range of 310-555-0001...0013; column with a header of "Address" with a range of Test 1 Street...Test 13 Street; column with a header of "City" with a range of City 1...13; column with a header of "State" with a range of Test State 1...13; column with a header of "Zip" with a range of 00001...00013

On another sheet (Sheet 2) i have the same column headers. However, within the Customer column, each field in the column has a validation "key" (drop down menu) whereby i can typing the customer name and the list filters and ultimately my desired customer can be quickly selected before i have to type in the full customer name. Example, if i type '1', the list populates Customer 1, Customer 10, Customer 11, Customer 12 and Customer 13.

I would like for the remaining cells in a row (to the right of the Customer column) to automatically populate the information associated with the customer selected, found on Sheet 1. So, if on Row 1, i select Customer 3, then the information for Customer 3 relating to Attention, Phone, Address, City, State and Zip found on Sheet 1 automatically fills in on Row 1 under the appropriate column on Sheet 2. If i select Customer 8 on Row 2, then all of Customer 8's info from Sheet 1 will fill in in the appropriate cells along that row on Sheet 2.
