Hello again. I am having a hard time figuring out my problem. I hope I can explain it well. Basically I am trying to set my integer to count filtered data in a table. I have 7 columns of almost the same data that I want it to look at looping through each one. Ex. columns: Level 1 Manager, Level 2 Manager, ...., Level 7 Manager. I tried this code hoping for something but it is giving me a Compile Error: Sub or Function not defined on the first ROW statement.
Example code
mgr = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumProduct(Subtotal(3, Offset(Range("Data[Level & " x " & Manager]", Row(Range("Data[Level & " x " & Manager]")) - Min(Row(Range("Data[Level & " x " & Manager]"))), , 1)), --(Range("Data[Level & " x " & Manager]" = Sheets("Report").Range("Manager")))))
I had a countif in there previously before I found out that the Countif counted all data including the unfiltered data. I have x = 1.
I want to say IF mgr >0 Then... Else End IF
Also, I want it to reference the name that is selected from a drop down cell on another tab (that is where the "Sheets("Report").Range("Manager") comes from. I am not sure this is possible but I know there are some extreemly smart people here that can give me some kind of direction.