Hello, could someone please assist me in modifying my macro for use on Excel 2003?
Sorry, the subject title should read: Paste Data Every 45 Rows using VBA.
As detailed below in the comments of my code, I need the following:
When the macro is run the first time it pastes the data in cell A4 as shown in the code below. The next time I run this macro, I need to paste the data in the next empty cell every 45-rows down in Column A. So, the next series of cells to paste the data would be: A49, A94, A139, A184 etc..
Addtionally, I need the following:
When the macro is run the first time it pastes the data in cell B20 as shown in the code below. The next time I run this macro, I need paste the data in the next empty cell every 45-rows down in column B. So, the next series of cells to paste the data would be: B65, B110, B155, B200 etc..
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,