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Combine values across columns into 1 text string

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  1. #1
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    Combine values across columns into 1 text string

    I have been having difficulty being able to combine the text in the applicable row from columns 8 to lastRow into one text string that will then be written to a file. The line I am stuck on is F$I also want to round the values in those cells to be 3 digits long. Please help me figure out my error and clean this up. Thank you.

    Set WS = Worksheets(1)
    Pin = InputBox("What is the project pin?", _
            "File Location by Pin Number", "12345")
    MyPath = "C:\pin\" & Pin
    StartStation = InputBox("What station does the project start at?", _
            "Station by 50ft increments", "1000")
    Direction = InputBox("Upchain(50) or Downchain(-50)?", _
            "Direction", "50")
    With WS
        LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        LastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
        FF = FreeFile
        Open MyPath & "_" & Direction & ".txt" For Output As #FF
        Print #FF, Pin & "                       111042915A 482C1  50 23008823 500000000  " & StartStation
        For A = 2 To LastRow 'label rows as A, A=1 at row 2
        i = 0
            If .Cells(A, 5) > 0 Then
                For B = 8 To LastCol 'label columns as B, B=1 at column H
                    Offset = .Cells(1, B) - .Cells(1, 8)
                    If .Cells(2, B) <> "" Then
                    C$ = "2  " & StartStation
                    D$ = "3  1"
                    E$ = "5 1"
                        Set rang = Range(.Cells(A, 8), .Cells(A, B))
                        CurSta = StartStation + (Direction * i)
                    F$ = "G  " & CurSta & "  65  0999" _
                        & combine(rang, "")
                        G$ = "B  1"
                    Print #FF, C$
                    Print #FF, D$
                    Print #FF, E$
                    Print #FF, F$
                    Print #FF, G$
                    End If
            End If
            i = i + 1
        Close #FF
    End With
    Function combine(rng As Range, Optional delim As String = "") As String
        combine = Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(rng)), delim)
    End Function
    Last edited by cnash52; 02-25-2016 at 12:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor tony h's Avatar
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    Re: Combine values across columns into 1 text string

    Your combine function appears to return a two dimensional array. Therefore it cannot simply be concatenated into a string.

    It looks like the second dimension has a size of 1.

    click on the * Add Reputation if this was useful or entertaining.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert Tinbendr's Avatar
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    Re: Combine values across columns into 1 text string

    The line I am stuck on is F$.
    What's the problem here?
    I also want to round the values in those cells to be 3 digits long.
    You might try
    combine = Join(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(rng.Text)), delim)
    and make sure the format is set in the cell, else you'll have to iterate the whole range and use the VBA format function.
    (*) Reputation points appreciated.

  4. #4
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    Re: Combine values across columns into 1 text string

    Okay so to simplify here is a method I am getting to work but I can't figure out an easier method to loop instead of if statement after if statement from -1.81 to +1.81

                For B = 8 To LastCol 'label columns as B, B=1 at column H
                    'Enter 39 laser readings to string
                    If (.Cells(2, B) <> "") And (.Cells(1, B).Value = -1.81) Or (.Cells(1, B).Value = -1.8) Then
                            Line = Line + CStr((.Cells(2, B)))
                    End If
                    If (.Cells(2, B) <> "") And (.Cells(1, B).Value = -1.71) Or (.Cells(1, B).Value = -1.7) Then
                            Line = Line + CStr((.Cells(2, B)))
                    End If
                    If (.Cells(2, B) <> "") And (.Cells(1, B).Value = -1.61) Or (.Cells(1, B).Value = -1.6) Then
                            Line = Line + CStr((.Cells(2, B)))
                    End If
                    If (.Cells(2, B) <> "") And (.Cells(1, B).Value = -1.51) Or (.Cells(1, B).Value = -1.5) Then
                            Line = Line + CStr((.Cells(2, B)))
                    End If

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