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Help rewriting code to use less memory

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    MS-Off Ver

    Help rewriting code to use less memory

    I posted this problem a few days ago, here.

    Now that I understand the problem a little better, I’m posting it again (hopefully a little clearer)

    This line in the code causes a “not enough memory” error:
    Sheets("Merged Data").Range(Temp).FormulaR1C1 = _
                    "=OFFSET(Y!R1C[" & -LCA & "],MATCH(RC1,Y!R1C1:R" & LRMERGE & "C1,0)-1,0)"
    Is it possible to do this without using as much memory?
    I’m stuck, so I appreciate all feedback!

    This is the code with the values that result in a memory error. The full code is in the link above.
    Sub Merge_Data()
    'Merges the data (rows) with identical Unique-ID in a new sheet. First X, then Y.
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim LC1 As Long
    Dim LCB As Long
    Dim MySheetName As String
        MySheetName = "Merged Data"
        Sheets("X").Copy After:=Sheets("X")
        ActiveSheet.Name = MySheetName
    	'Sheet "Merged Data" is identical to sheet "X" 
        LR1 = 138938  		'Last row in sheet "X"
        LR2 = 250106  		'Last row in sheet "Y"
        LC1 = 105			'Last column in sheet "X"
        ColLetter = DA 		'column 105 = DA
        LC2 = 45			'Last column in sheet "Y" 	
        LCA = 106                   'Last column in sheet "X" + 1 (Finds first empty column in the new sheet "Merged Data")
        LCB = 107			'Last column in sheet "X" + 2 (Finds second empty column in the new sheet "Merged Data")
        ColLetter_2 = DC		'column 107 = DC
        LRMERGE = 250106		'The biggest of LR1 and LR2
    	Sheets("Merged Data").Range("A1:" & ColLetter & LC1).Value = Sheets("X").Range("A1:" & ColLetter & LC1).Value
            			'Is there any reason to keep this line?
    	Temp = "" & ColLetter_2 & "1:" & Cells(LRMERGE, LC1 + LC2).Address
    				'Finds the range where the data from sheet "Y" is inputted (in sheet "Merged Data")
    	Sheets("Merged Data").Range(Temp).FormulaR1C1 = _
                    "=OFFSET(Y!R1C[" & -LCA & "],MATCH(RC1,Y!R1C1:R" & LRMERGE & "C1,0)-1,0)"
    				'Looks through column "A" in sheet "Y" to find a match in column "A" in sheet "Merged Data"
    				'If there is a match, the row from "Y" is inputted into Column DC in the matched row (in "Merged Data").
    	Sheets("Merged Data").Range(Temp).Value = Sheets("Merged Data").Range(Temp).Value
    				'Is there any reason to keep this line?
    End Sub
    (I can't attach files for some reason)

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Help rewriting code to use less memory

        ColLetter = DA      'column 105 = DA
    DA needs to be in quotes otherwise it is considered to be an undefined variable.

        ColLetter_2 = DC        'column 107 = DC
    DC needs to be in quotes

    Again, in the following line, Temp is an undefined variable:
        Sheets("Merged Data").Range(Temp).Value = Sheets("Merged Data").Range(Temp).Value
    If Temp is a Named Range, it needs to be in quotes, thus:
        Sheets("Merged Data").Range("Temp").Value = Sheets("Merged Data").Range(Temp).Value

  3. #3
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    MS-Off Ver

    Re: Help rewriting code to use less memory

    Hi! Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    My post is a mess. I've made a new thread and tried to clean it up.

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