Hello friends,
I have a code that helps me to open a list box from where i can choose items arranged in column A, sheet2.
In column A, sheet2 i have: countries, cities, cars, fruits.
In Sheet1 i have 2 buttons, when clicking <Let's go button>, a list box is open and i'm able to choose items that are inserted in column H, sheet1.
Let's consider this items now are header columns, under Countries i have: UK, Albania, Egypt, Argentina, Canada, Mongolia, Tanzania.
The challange is how can i add in column H, sheet1, one after another, if i want to select in listbox Countries and Cars columns, sheet2?
Keeping in listbox just the header columns, when i choose one or more of them, after clicking OK button, on column H to get all items located under the selected header columns.
Attached is an example, but it works only for Header columns, not for what is under each header column.
Thank you