Hey everyone!
I do IT work for several large law firms and we're working on building a database that lists out everyone's install date of their OS so that we can keep track of who is due for an upgrade next. At the moment, we have to remote into all computers individually (about 300 people) and collect that information. We threw together a batch file that runs via group policy and then saves the data to a text file on our server, but it's still pretty time consuming to move it into an organized Excel spreadsheet.
I'm hoping the brain power here can help me (I'm sure it's fairly simple... Just not great with Excel macros). Ideally, I'd like a spreadsheet that when opened, collected the username and OS install date automatically. It can be extremely simple... See attached sheet. A2 would be the first username, B2 would be their install date, then it would drop down to A3 and B3... Repeat. Duplicates aren't a huge deal, I can sort those later.
Any help you can provide would be incredible. Thanks!