Third time is a LOT more difficult, it seems. I struck out for a while before finding a solution crafted by a far more capable colormaster. To give credit where it's due, pretty much all of the heavy lifting here was pulled from an outside post by vba_corner. All three of the pieces below will need to be included, but the Sub you'll want to call is named CustColor().
Function PickNewColor(Optional i_OldColor As Double = xlNone) As Double
Const BGColor As Long = 13160660 'background color of dialogue
Const ColorIndexLast As Long = 32 'index of last custom color in palette
Dim myOrgColor As Double 'original color of color index 32
Dim myNewColor As Double 'color that was picked in the dialogue
Dim myRGB_R As Integer 'RGB values of the color that will be
Dim myRGB_G As Integer 'displayed in the dialogue as
Dim myRGB_B As Integer '"Current" color
'save original palette color, because we don't really want to change it
myOrgColor = ActiveWorkbook.Colors(ColorIndexLast)
If i_OldColor = xlNone Then
'get RGB values of background color, so the "Current" color looks empty
Color2RGB BGColor, myRGB_R, myRGB_G, myRGB_B
'get RGB values of i_OldColor
Color2RGB i_OldColor, myRGB_R, myRGB_G, myRGB_B
End If
'call the color picker dialogue
If Application.Dialogs(xlDialogEditColor).Show(ColorIndexLast, _
myRGB_R, myRGB_G, myRGB_B) = True Then
'"OK" was pressed, so Excel automatically changed the palette
'read the new color from the palette
PickNewColor = ActiveWorkbook.Colors(ColorIndexLast)
'reset palette color to its original value
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(ColorIndexLast) = myOrgColor
'"Cancel" was pressed, palette wasn't changed
'return old color (or xlNone if no color was passed to the function)
PickNewColor = i_OldColor
End If
End Function
'Converts a color to RGB values
Sub Color2RGB(ByVal i_Color As Long, o_R As Integer, o_G As Integer, o_B As Integer)
o_R = i_Color Mod 256
i_Color = i_Color \ 256
o_G = i_Color Mod 256
i_Color = i_Color \ 256
o_B = i_Color Mod 256
End Sub
Sub CustColor()
Selection.Interior.Color = PickNewColor
End Sub