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Choose a Folder and loop a sub

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  1. #1
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    Choose a Folder and loop a sub


    I would like to ask for help for a code to:
    1. Choose a folder
    2. Loop a sub for all the files inside the chosen folder.

    all files in the folders are .xls

    Couldnt find anything online that allows me to paste my existing sub.

    Appreciate any help

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor spitfireblue's Avatar
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    Re: Choose a Folder and loop a sub

    Like this?

    Sub Update()
        Dim StrFile As String, Path As String
        StrFile = Dir("H:\New folder\*") 'FOLDER LOCATION HERE AND...
        Path = "H:\New folder\" 'FOLDER LOCATION HERE
        Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
            Workbooks.Open(Path & StrFile).Activate
            ' YOUR CODE HERE
            StrFile = Dir
    End Sub

  3. #3
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    Re: Choose a Folder and loop a sub

    I would need a code to allow me to choose a 1 folder and loop the files in that chosen folder only

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor spitfireblue's Avatar
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    Re: Choose a Folder and loop a sub

    That is what it does... however I have amended it slightly so that you only have to put the folder location in once.

    Sub Update()
        Dim Path As String, StrFile As String
        Path = "C:\Users\stearm\Desktop\Test\" 'FOLDER LOCATION HERE
        StrFile = Dir(Path & "*")
        Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
            MsgBox Path & StrFile
            Workbooks.Open(Path & StrFile).Activate
            ' YOUR CODE HERE
            ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
            StrFile = Dir
    End Sub
    The blue highlighted code opens each file in the folder and then closes and saves it at the completion of your code, but you can take them out if you need.

  5. #5
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    Re: Choose a Folder and loop a sub

    Appreciate your help and I apologise if I was unclear.
    There are more than 1 folder location. I ran your code and it doesnt ask me which folder I would like to use. maybe Im missing something

    Quote Originally Posted by spitfireblue View Post
    That is what it does... however I have amended it slightly so that you only have to put the folder location in once.

    Sub Update()
        Dim Path As String, StrFile As String
        Path = "C:\Users\stearm\Desktop\Test\" 'FOLDER LOCATION HERE
        StrFile = Dir(Path & "*")
        Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
            MsgBox Path & StrFile
            Workbooks.Open(Path & StrFile).Activate
            ' YOUR CODE HERE
            ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
            StrFile = Dir
    End Sub
    The blue highlighted code opens each file in the folder and then closes and saves it at the completion of your code, but you can take them out if you need.

  6. #6
    Valued Forum Contributor spitfireblue's Avatar
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    Re: Choose a Folder and loop a sub

    Oh... I understand now. You want to select the folder. Try this...

    Sub Update()
        Dim Path As String, StrFile As String, ShellApp As Object
        Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application"). _
            BrowseForFolder(0, "Please choose a folder", 0, OpenAt)
        Path = ShellApp.self.Path & "\"
        StrFile = Dir(Path & "*")
        Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
            'Workbooks.Open(Path & StrFile).Activate
            ' YOUR CODE HERE
            'ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
            StrFile = Dir
    End Sub

  7. #7
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Re: Choose a Folder and loop a sub

    @ spitfireblue
    i just wanted to say that I found this " Shell " " BrowseForFolder " thing a nice alternative to other ways to get at files and so used it effectively....
    So I wanted to mainly say thanks, but also to say in passing that your Default Path is not specified or declared ( OpenAt ). But that is not a problem if the OP has not got Option Explicit as it then just takes it as "" and goes by the default )

    @ smartbuyer
    The code i did at that reference I gave above allows you to select which files in the Folder you want to do stuff on. That may be of interest

    Note also what was said in that other Thread of yours:
    Quote Originally Posted by JLGWhiz View Post
    You did not specify a path or directory name, so it is assumed that the Master workbook will be in the same folder as the files and the Master workbook will host the code.......
    I think if you had taken note of that you would have seen that you had your problem here very close to solved.
    Maybe the next time when you start a similar thread you should copy the URL Link from above in the small Browser Window and post in the Thread at the start. This helps us not to repeat what others have done for you.....
    Quote Originally Posted by smartbuyer View Post
    Couldnt find anything online that allows me to paste my existing sub. ....
    ..I think in the other Thread that is more or less what JLGWhiz showed you
    Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 02-12-2016 at 11:41 AM.
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