Hello guys! I've been searching the internet trying to find a solution to my problem I have. I'll give you an overview of what i'd like to do as well as some screenshots..

For the company I work for, I have a few fields of information that i scan into an excel sheet using a barcode reader. I'd like to take this information and then compile it into a form that I can easily copy and paste into our ticketing system for record keeping.

A few issues i have is:
-The form on the left that gets scanned in does not always have the same fields filled out. For example, some devices do not have a MAC address. I would like excel to realize this and output 'N/A' in the form on the right.
-The amount of items on the left are not always the same. For example in the screenshot i have 5 devices listed. Sometimes this is just 3 devices..but other times it can be up to about 10. I would like excel to realize this and leave the ones that are not filled out blank.
-The formatting on the output form on the right have to be coded in the way it currently is. For example it needs to have the main title, then the dashes in front of each subcategory. And the field for fedex also needs to stay the same as it is with the [FEDEX TRK: 555555555555].

Thank you so much in advance for any help I can get!!

NOTE: The information in the screenshot is obviously fictitious since it is company sensitive information I am trying to use here.EXCEL_2016-02-09_13-55-13.png