Hello experts.
I'm trying to search through a range of data to find rows that contain a 4 digit number (ID number of equip.) then take entire row and move to end of previous row. When Excel takes the data from the PDF it places data in one row and then the remainder on a second row. I need it to all be in 1 row.
So, if I have the following:
6/30/2015 ASHCROFT 0-160 951 NA 6051 PRESSURE GAUGE NA MIA 08/12/15 12 6/30/2015 FLUKE 115 300 NA 6220 DIGITAL MULTIMETER 27430237 MIA 08/12/15 12
I need it to be like this:
6/30/2015 ASHCROFT 0-160 951 NA 6051 PRESSURE GAUGE NA MIA 08/12/15 12 6/30/2015 FLUKE 115 300 NA 6220 DIGITAL MULTIMETER 27430237 MIA 08/12/15 12
There are several record in the spreadsheet (Demo attached). Ideally, I'd like the code to be contained in a button that the user could execute each month. The search identifier will always be a 4 digit number.
Thank you for your time.