HI there, Newbe. I need to use the replace funtion to change the month where ever it occures in the sheet. My dates are formated for mm/dd/yy. However the value of the dates are m/dd/yyyy as in the first nine months. This is a problem because I input from month to be 01/ and the to month to be 02/ and excel tells me no data exsist. If I input 1/ and to month as 02/ it works using the manual funtion on the sheet. My VB macro finds nothing. so what's wrong with this code:

Sub DateChange()
' DateChange Macro
' Change the date & month
' Called from Ranges module11
Dim FromMo As String
' FromMo is the number of the old month and a / From B2 and changes all the dates
' ToMo is the number of the New month and a / is input here and changes all the dates
Dim ToMo As String
' FromMo2 is from the last months range name month and is used to change all the range names
' ToMo2 is the new Month 3 char alfa month from C1 input in a prior module
Dim FromMo1 As String
Dim FromMo2 As String
Dim ToMo2 As String
FromMo = Range("B2")
FromMo1 = Range("K45")
FromMo2 = Left(FromMo1, 9)
FromMo1 = Right(FromMo2, 3)
FromMo2 = FromMo1
ToMo2 = Range("C1")
MsgBox ("DateChange! " & FromMo & "=from search " & "from=" & FromMo2 & " To=" & ToMo2)
ToMo = InputBox("DateChange: Enter ToMo, the 2 char month and / together")
Range("B1") = Left(ToMo, 2)
If FromMo > " " Then
' numeric mo change
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells.Replace What:=FromMo, Replacement:=ToMo, LookAt:=xlPart, _ <--------- this does not work Cells are displayed as 01/12/16
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
' Alfa month change
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells.Replace What:=FromMo2, Replacement:=ToMo2, LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
End If
End Sub

Do I need to change the LookAt or the SearchFormat? maybe changing the data(dates) format to something other than mm/dd/yy. Why does the cell data display at the top in the edit bar display m/dd/yyyy when I click on a date like 01/12/16 . the leading 0 is missing.

Thanks in advance.