Hi all,
I've created UserForm with which I can select a sheet (from all sheets of all open work books) and copy the sheet to my active workbook.
On the user form I have 3 objects:
In the ComboBox1 are displayed all open workbooks names. After I choose workbook from the list in ComboBox1, in ComboBox2 is generated list of all available sheets in the chosen workbook.
The workbook name in ComboBox1 is displayed as “Workbook name.xlsb”
The sheet name in ComboBox2 is displayed as “Sheet name”.
I need, after I select workbook (ComboBox1) and sheet (ComboBox2), and after I click CommandButton1, the selected sheet to be copied to my active workbook.
Below is my code (which goes in the user form). Can someone help me with this? Not sure where is my error.
Thank you in advance for your help,