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Hide/Unhide Columns based upon Active X Combobox value

  1. #1
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    Hide/Unhide Columns based upon Active X Combobox value

    I am fairly new to VBA and coding but I have been really wanting to learn so I have taken on some projects that have challenged me to learn some new tricks. However, I have hit a stumbling block and I have a need to hide a particular set of rows based upon the selected value from an Active X ComboBox. I am using ComboBox2 and it is linked to cell V75. The values in the drop-down are the following: (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, Full Year). When the option is selected from the drop-down list I need the columns to be hidden as follows:

    January = D:N
    February = C, E:N
    March = C:D, F:N
    April = C:E, G:N
    May = C:F, H:N
    June = C:G, I:N
    July = C:H, J:N
    August = C:I, K:N
    September = C:J, L:N
    October = C:K, M:N
    November = C:L, N
    December = C:M
    Full Year = all columns visible

    Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!!


  2. #2
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    Re: Hide/Unhide Columns based upon Active X Combobox value

    Here is January and February. Follow the template to code the rest of the months

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    If you are happy with my response please click the * in the lower left of my post.

  3. #3
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    Re: Hide/Unhide Columns based upon Active X Combobox value

    This might help:

    Private Sub UserForm_Activate()

    Worksheets("Sheet3").Columns("A:Z").EntireColumn.Hidden = False

    With ComboBox1
    .AddItem "January"
    .AddItem "February"
    .AddItem "March"
    .AddItem "April"
    .AddItem "May"
    End With

    End Sub

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    combo_value = ComboBox1.Value

    month_ref1 = Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May")
    month_ref2 = Array("", "C:C", "C:D", "C:E", "C:F")
    month_ref3 = Array("D:N", "E:N", "F:N", "G:N", "H:N")

    For i = LBound(month_ref1) To UBound(month_ref1)
    If month_ref1(i) = combo_value Then Exit For
    Next i

    If month_ref2(i) <> "" Then
    Worksheets("Sheet3").Columns(month_ref2(i)).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
    End If
    Worksheets("Sheet3").Columns(month_ref3(i)).EntireColumn.Hidden = True

    End Sub

  4. #4
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    Re: Hide/Unhide Columns based upon Active X Combobox value

    Thank you both for your prompt replies. I went with stnkynts's solution and it worked well. The only thing I noticed is that the columns seemed to have some lag time when hiding multiple rows. Is there any remedy to this lag?

  5. #5
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    Re: Hide/Unhide Columns based upon Active X Combobox value

    Maybe this one, but I am not sure:

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