Hi thanks,
I've narrowed down the area that seems to be giving the worst grey screen issues. There's some looping that's pretty hard to follow - I've noted the part in bold below, which is the only area that really affects it.
-There is an input box entry for data that is missing,
- whist checking its empty, it also holds and a value from an adjacent cell.
- If this adjacent value is matched on the next empty cell, it automatically fills it with the data already put in by the user from the input box (held in dim HLD & POt)
This could fill up to 500 cells at a time which I think is creating the giving grey screen
Any ideas with this I would be very thankful!
(The j and jt dimensions is just a count issued prior to running this loop - all it does it give the use an indication of how many entires need to be filled and the -1 is counting down)