here is some theory and a little code to get you started...... not sure if you have started anything yet or how familiar you are with vba so here goes nothing 
put all the data into variables (standard procedure)
Loop through the table holding the data you want to transfer first
inside this loop, loop through the other table and check if the record exists (or forget this loop and just remove duplicates later up to you)
if your clear to add the record check the column you needed to check if its resignation put resignation, if not put term...
dim Rng1 as range
dim Rng2 as range
dim tArr1 as variant
dim tArr2 as variant
dim i as long, j as Long, k as integer 'Use long when counting rows and not integer
dim IsOK as boolean
set Rng1 = Sheet1.usedrange 'use your sheets name (in the VBE window you will see 2 names use the one not in ().....Sheet1(NameOfSheet)
set Rng2 = Sheet2.Usedrange '<--this is the table your transferring data too, the one above is the one your getting data from
tarr1 = rng1.value
tarr2 = rng2.value
'we use the arrays to loop because they are faster, there are other ways but this is good practice....
for i = lbound(tarr1,1) to ubound(tarr1,1) 'loop sheet1 rows
for j = lbound(tarr2,1) to ubound(tarr2,1) 'loop sheet2 rows
IsOK = True
for k = lbound(tarr1,2) to ubound(tarr1,2) 'loop sheet1 columns (assuming the tables are the same size on both tables)
if not tarr1(i,k) = tarr2(j,k) then
IsOK = false
exit for
end if
next k
If IsOK then
'here you check if the column your watching is term or resign etc etc
if tarr1(i,colnumber) = "ThisText" then '<---change column number and ThisText to the correct values
Tarr1(i,colnumber) = "Resign"
tarr1(i,colnumber) = "Quit"
end if
'cheating here better to use another array not add values to cells directly but im running out of time sorry
set rng1 = sheet2.usedrange
set rng1 = sheet2.rows(rng1.row + rng1.rows.count - 1).offset(1,0) 'might need to double check this, should return range 1 row under your table
for k = lbound(tarr1,2) to ubound(tarr1,2)
rng1.cells(k) = tarr1(j,k)
next k
End if
next j
next i
Sorry about the formatting, this will give you something to play with anyway, its using arrays and rngs so you can see how they work..
Paul S.