Hi everyone,

I got an issue with web scraping with this website (http://www.hkexnews.hk/sdw/search/search_sdw.asp). Specifically, after inputting the stock code (e.g. 00005) and click Search, a result page will then be shown. Here's my issue, I have been using a VBA procedure to scrap the result page information for more than a year. But, there was a official modification on the result page layout recently. After that, my VBA procedure is no longer useful. I found that the code scrapped from the web by the VBA procedure is different from that shown on Chrome (they are the same in the past so that the procedure works). I wonder whether this issue relates to the language of javascript. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance

Here's my code
  Set dom = CreateObject("HTMLFile")
        With CreateObject("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1")
            .Open "POST", "http://www.hkexnews.hk/sdw/search/search_sdw.asp", False
            .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset:big5"
            .send "txt_today_d=" & D & "&txt_today_m=" & M & "&txt_today_y=" & Yr & "&current_page=1&stock_market=HKEX&IsExist_Slt_Stock_Id=False&IsExist_Slt_Part_Id=False&rdo_SelectSortBy=Shareholding&sel_ShareholdingDate_d=" & D & "&sel_ShareholdingDate_m=" & M & "&sel_ShareholdingDate_y=" & Yr & "&txt_stock_code=" & Ticker & "&txt_stock_name=&txt_ParticipantID=&txt_Participant_name="
            q = BytesToBstr(.responseBody, "Big5")
            dom.Body.innerHTML = q
        End With