Hello everyone,
I having only been using VBA for a few months and am new to arrays. I have a Fixed Width file which I am trying to import and force the width of the columns based on information that comes with the file. ie. start character, end character, and length of characters. I've already created an Array which is pulling in and storing the list of character lengths. Now, while actually opening the text file, I want to use that array to set the widths. Yet, I cannot get it to work as I keep getting an "Invalid procedure call or argument" error.
My code is broken up into 4 different subs but the first one is what creates the array and the last one is what is using the array.
Note: I did originally try Workbooks.OpenText instead of the QueryTables.Add function, but from what I can tell you cannot specify column widths with the former. Is this true?
Any help would really be appreciated!!!
Global sDataPath As String
Global bUserCancelled As Boolean
Global avColLength() As Variant
Option Explicit
Sub ImportFixedWidth()
Dim wksInfo As Worksheet
Dim rFindStart As Range
Dim iRowCount As Integer
'Setting initial values
bUserCancelled = False
Set wksInfo = Worksheets("Info")
Set rFindStart = wksInfo.Cells.Find("LENGTH")
iRowCount = wksInfo.Cells(Rows.Count, rFindStart.Column).End(xlUp).Row - rFindStart.Row
avColLength = wksInfo.Range(Cells(rFindStart.Row + 1, rFindStart.Column), Cells(rFindStart.Row + iRowCount, rFindStart.Column))
Call WorkbookReset
Call UserSelectFile
If bUserCancelled = True Then Exit Sub
Call MoveNewFile
End Sub
Sub WorkbookReset()
Dim wksData As Worksheet
Set wksData = Worksheets("Data")
If wksData.Range("A1").Value = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub UserSelectFile()
sDataPath = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt), *.txt", 1, "Select Experian Quest File to Open")
If sDataPath = "False" Then
MsgBox ("No file was select. The procedure has been cancelled.")
bUserCancelled = True
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub MoveNewFile()
Dim wksData As Worksheet
Set wksData = Worksheets("Data")
With wksData.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & sDataPath, Destination:=Range("$A$1"))
.Name = "201515230A_Main"
.AdjustColumnWidth = True
.TextFileStartRow = 2
.TextFileParseType = xlFixedWidth
.TextFileFixedColumnWidths = Array(avColLength)
.TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = True
End With
End Sub