Hello all! I'm trying to grab the search result URLS from this search (http://www.searchtempest.com/search?...sk=&subcat=sss), and paste them into the A column of my worksheet.
This is what I have so farBut nothing happens when I execute this, and only the Message Box appears and Im not sure what i'm doing incorrectly. Any help is appreciated!![]()
Sub UrlGrab() Dim URL As String Dim HTMLdoc As Object Dim Anchor As Object Dim Anchors As Object URL = "http://www.searchtempest.com/search?search_string=motorcycle+-sign+-vest+-camper+-scooter+-jacket+-goggles+-kids+-helmet+-gloves+-attorney+-repairs+-parts+-stock+-trailer&category=8&Region=na&cityselect=zip&location=37923&maxDist=1500®ion_us=1&srchType=&hasPic=&keytype=adv&minAsk=&maxAsk=&subcat=sss" Set XMLHTTP = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") XMLHTTP.Open "GET", URL, False XMLHTTP.send text = XMLHTTP.responseText Set HTMLdoc = CreateObject("htmlfile") HTMLdoc.Write text HTMLdoc.Close Set Anchors = HTMLdoc.getElementsByTagName("gs-result") For Each Anchor In Anchors If Anchor.className = "gs-title" Then Rng.Offset(row, 0).Value = Anchor.href row = row + 1 End If Next Anchor MsgBox "Done!" End Sub