I am new in VBA and I have trouble to refer to proper range/cell.
I have a workbook "cargoes 2016" used as database with 3 worksheets. The main worksheet "recap" allocates a "ref" number (column "c") to each new entry formatted "2016XX001, 2016XX002......" and sorts the entry per this ref nr.
I have already a macro which creates automatically a workbook "calc sheet" for each new reference I enter in "cargoes 2016". This works perfectly.
I would like that each time I update the column "AI" of Cargoes 2016 / recap for a specific ref, my code goes in the specific folder to find the file whose name includes the related "ref" nr and rename this file adding at the end of the pre-formatted name the value of the "ai" column.
For example, if in Cargoes 2016 / recap, I input a value in the column "ai" of the ref "2016xx003", the code goes to the specific folder, find the workbook whose title includes 2016xx003 and add at the end the value of Cargoes 2016 / recap/column Ai for 2016xx003.....
here is the code I work on until now but obviously I don't know how to refer to the correct row/cell.....can someone help?