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Debug my loop!

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    Debug my loop!

    The attached code works perfectly for the first sheet, but on the second i get error "1004: Method 'Range' of object'_Worksheet' failed". I've attached an example of what the data looks like that i'm working with. We have a spreadsheet for every customer. I'm trying to copy the information into one spreadsheet in a database format. Since the customers may be located in different locations i'm trying to separate the information between the three regions.

    Sub Compile2()
        Dim sh As Worksheet
        Dim UKsh As Worksheet
        Dim EUsh As Worksheet
        Dim USsh As Worksheet
        Dim EUrow As Long, UKrow As Long, USrow As Long
        Dim FinNum As Integer
        EUrow = 2
        UKrow = 2
        USrow = 2
    Set UKsh = Sheets("UK")
    Set EUsh = Sheets("EU")
    Set USsh = Sheets("US")
    For Each sh In Worksheets
        With sh
        FinNum = 3
                If .Range("A60").Value = "EU" Then
                    EUsh.Range("A" & EUrow).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
                    .Range(Cells(8, FinNum), Cells(48, FinNum)).Copy
                    EUsh.Range("B" & EUrow).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
                    EUrow = EUrow + 1
                ElseIf .Range("A60").Value = "UK" Then
                    UKsh.Range("A" & UKrow).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
                    .Range(Cells(8, FinNum), Cells(48, FinNum)).Copy
                    UKsh.Range("B" & UKrow).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
                    UKrow = UKrow + 1
                    USsh.Range("A" & USrow).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
                    .Range(Cells(8, FinNum), Cells(48, FinNum)).Copy
                    USsh.Range("B" & USrow).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
                    USrow = USrow + 1
                End If
                FinNum = FinNum + 1
             Do Until FinNum > 7
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        End With
    End Sub
    Compile example.xlsm

    Edit: I just tested it again, and now it is saying that I have a compile error "End With without With". So I have even more problems
    Last edited by sjennings007; 12-24-2015 at 12:38 PM.

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