
I have created a textbox change event that calls a sub. My sheet will end up with many textboxes so I'd like to simplify this so that when any text box changes it calls the sub so that I don't have to add the code to each textbox change event. I've found lots of posts similar to this when working with userforms and textboxes that have simple naming conventions but haven't managed to make anything work for my scenario. My textboxes have varied names with no pattern.

Can anyone help?

Private Sub K22_Change()

Call UpdateBackground(ctl:=Me.K22)

End Sub

Private Sub UpdateBackground(ctl As Object)

Dim dLevel_1    As Double
Dim dLevel_2    As Double

dLevel_1 = Sheet1.Range("E29").Value 'Orange
dLevel_2 = Sheet1.Range("E28").Value 'Green

    Select Case ctl.Value
           Case Is = 0
                ctl.BackColor = &HFF8080 'Purple ERROR
                ctl.ForeColor = &HFF8080

           Case Is < dLevel_1
                ctl.BackColor = &H8080FF 'Red
                ctl.ForeColor = &H8080FF
           Case Is > dLevel_2
                ctl.BackColor = &H80FF80 'Green
                ctl.ForeColor = &H80FF80

           Case Is < dLevel_2
                ctl.BackColor = &H80C0FF 'Orange
                ctl.ForeColor = &H80C0FF
    End Select

End Sub
Thanks very much,