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processing data in subfolders 2-3 levels deep

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    Post processing data in subfolders 2-3 levels deep

    Hello All

    I am new to VB script and would like help in processing data 2 to 3 level deep.

    I currently am running a script that will read specific lines from an excel files that is stored within main folder one level deep. How do i modify the existing code to read excel data from files stored 2 or sometimes 3 level deep in sub folders . can you help me with modifying this script.

    Sub Consolidated_Trail1()
    'Processes all subfolders in a main folder, one level deep
    Dim FSO As Object, FLD As Object, SubFLDRS As Object, SubFLD As Object, f As Object
    Dim fNAME As String, fPATH As String, NextRw As Long
    Dim wsMain As Worksheet, wbData, WsSrc, WckSrc As Workbook
    'Set f = FSO.GetFolder("C:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Desktop\xxx")
    fPATH = "N:\PxxxxxI\"     'don't forget the final \ in this string
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set FLD = FSO.GetFolder(fPATH)
    Set SubFLDRS = FLD.SubFolders
    Set wsMain = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    NextRw = 2
    wsMain.Range("A1:P1").Value = Array("Project Desc.", "Component", "Project No.", "MPI No.", "99", "A", "L", "B", "C", "D", "F", "G", "Total", "Status", "Filename", "Dwg No.")
    For Each SubFLD In SubFLDRS
        fNAME = Dir(fPATH & SubFLD.Name & "\" & "*.xls")
        Do While Len(fNAME) > 0
            Set wbData = Workbooks.Open(fPATH & SubFLD.Name & "\" & fNAME)
                 Set WsSrc = wbData.ActiveSheet
            wsMain.Range("A" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("A11")
            wsMain.Range("B" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("F11")
            wsMain.Range("C" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("L11")
            wsMain.Range("D" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("J11")
            wsMain.Range("E" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("Q14")
            wsMain.Range("F" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("Q15")
            wsMain.Range("G" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("Q20")
            wsMain.Range("H" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("Q16")
            wsMain.Range("I" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("Q17")
            wsMain.Range("J" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("Q21")
            wsMain.Range("K" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("Q19")
            wsMain.Range("L" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("Q18")
            wsMain.Range("M" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("Q22")
            wsMain.Range("N" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("R14")
            wsMain.Range("O" & NextRw).Value = fNAME
            wsMain.Range("P" & NextRw).Value = WsSrc.Range("A7")
            wbData.Close False
            NextRw = NextRw + 1
            fNAME = Dir
    Next SubFLD
    End Sub
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    End Sub

    Moderator Note:

    Welcome to the forum. Pls be sure that you use code tags around your codes when you post.
    Last edited by Fotis1991; 12-15-2015 at 03:45 AM.

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