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Macro to sort data from Table 1 to Table 2 and Three

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  1. #1
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    Macro to sort data from Table 1 to Table 2 and Three


    Table 1 Information to be distributed to Table 2 and 3 based on two different criteria.
    Please see the code below for what I'm attempting to do on the attached file.

    1 Sub EWO()
    2 '
    3 ' EWO Macro
    4 '
    6 '
    7 Range("C9:E13").Select
    8 ‘Index rows and columns as j,I variables.
    9 M = COLUMNS = X = (E-(C-1)) = (5-(3-1)) = 3
    10 N = ROWS = Y = (13-(9-1))= 5
    12 ‘For loop around rows and for each in this range assign variables:
    13 For j = 1 to N
    14 YR = Cell(j,M).Value
    15 CO = Cell(j,M+1) .Value
    16 MO = Cell(j,M+2) .Value
    18 ‘Select the range where Table 2 is being set up:
    19 Range("H9:L18").Select
    20 ‘Index this range to access it based on the value of the previous three variables recently created.
    21 COLUMNS2 = TABLE2X = X2 = (L – (H-1)) =
    22 ROWS2 = TABLE2Y = Y2 = (18 – (9-1)) =
    23 ‘Fill in the vectors above with the information regarding the years (or create a mapping to do the job for you J)
    24 ‘Make ActiveCell in Table 2 range equal to the variables recently created:
    25 ActiveCell((Y2 = CO),(X2 = YR)).Value = Value + 1
    28 ‘Select the range where Table 3 is being set up:
    29 Range("H9:L18").Offset(, 6).Select
    30 ‘Again, index this range to access it based on the value of the previous three variables recently created.
    31 COLUMNS3 = TABLE3X = X3 = (N – (R-1)) =
    32 ROWS3 = TABLE3Y = Y3 = (18 – (9-1)) =
    33 ‘Fill in the vectors above with the information regarding the years (or create a mapping to do the job for you J)
    34 ‘Make ActiveCell in Table 3 range equal to the variables recently created:
    35 ActiveCell((Y3 = CO),(X3 = YR)).Value = Value + MO ‘Add variable MO to previous cell value
    36 ‘Repeat the process based on the loop through the rows in the main data
    37 Next
    39 End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by anagouveia; 12-13-2015 at 02:28 PM. Reason: DataSort File attached

  2. #2
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to sort data from Table 1 to Table 2 and Three

    In the future you should post code without line numbers and use code tags around the code you post so that it looks like this.

    Sub Test()
    End Sub
    It would also be helpful to have a sample file to work with.


  3. #3
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    Re: Macro to sort data from Table 1 to Table 2 and Three

    Any help with this code would be greatly appreciated. Any takers?

  4. #4
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to sort data from Table 1 to Table 2 and Three

    This runs, but what are you trying to do??

    Sub EWO()
    ' EWO Macro
    'Index rows and columns as j,i variables.
    'M = Columns = X = (E - (C - 1)) = (5 - (3 - 1)) = 3
    'N = Rows = Y = (13 - (9 - 1)) = 5
    M = 3: N = 5
    'For loop around rows and for each in this range assign variables:
    For j = 9 To 9 + N
    YR = Cells(j, M).Value
    CO = Cells(j, M + 1).Value
    MO = Cells(j, M + 2).Value
    'Select the range where Table 2 is being set up:
    'Fill in the vectors above with the information regarding the years (or create a mapping to do the job for you J)
    'Select the range where Table 3 is being set up:
        Range("H9:L18").Offset(, 6).Select
    'Again, index this range to access it based on the value of the previous three variables recently created.
    'Fill in the vectors above with the information regarding the years (or create a mapping to do the job for you J)
    'Repeat the process based on the loop through the rows in the main data
    End Sub
    If I've helped you, please consider adding to my reputation - just click on the liitle star at the left.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Pride has no aftertaste.)

    You can't do one thing. XLAdept

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aka Orrin

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