I would like to ask for your help on this topic. I want to make an updating procedure from 2 lists. 1 list is what i would expand, the other is what I will download and check for the new entries. So basically, I have a date range, and I would check each cell in the downloaded list, to see if it is already in my actual one. If not, then it should write it in the end. At the beginning I would try to accomplish this with 1 criteria, but aim is to make it happen from 2 criteria.
So far I got:
The problem is, that if I run the macro, it only makes this happen for 1 cell, not for each cell in the data range. So to freshen up the list I have to click it until all new entries are in one by one.
And the second step would be that it should check a pair of 2 cells. So for each cell in "Data" Sheet, if cell1 value and (int the same row) cell2 value does not match in "Elemzés" sheet another cell1 value and (int the same row) cell2 value, then it should make a new entry to the "Elemzés" sheet, after the last cell.
Does this make sense? 
Thanks in advance!