I have a spreadsheet with many ActiveX Textboxes which values are linked to a cell on another sheet. What I'm trying to do is change the back colour of the Textboxes based on their value to create a Traffic Light Report ie when the value changes so to does the back colour.
The reason I'm trying to do it this way is so that I can move the Textboxes and change their shape to create a map as such. The map often changes, so much easier to move and reshape a Textbox rather than cells which is what we currently do. Also having issues with the current cell model as many cells have been merged to try and create a map that is visually accurate.
To start with I've tried just playing with one Textbox using the text box change event and a couple of other methods but haven't had any luck. If I could get that to work I was then going to try and figure out how to apply to all textboxes at once.
Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated!