Hi friends,

I am trying to write down macro code which should make following.

1. In sheet called "Pivot" data from columns Q1:S copy until the last row
2. Copied data paste into Sheet "DFI" and paste it into column A, but at the end (there can exists some prior data which couldn't be replaced).

I got something ,but it doesn't work due Run-time error, Object doesn't support....

Could you pls help me fix it?

Sub CopyData()
Dim lastRow As Integer

 'Select the sheet with the data

'Find the last row in the dataset
lastRow = Range("Q1").End(xlDown).Row

'Select the rows of data
Range("Q1:S" & lastRow).Select

'Copy the data

'Select the sheet data will be copied to
Dim lastRow2 As String
lastRow2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Range("A" & lastRow2).ActiveSheet.Paste

End Sub