Hi all hope we're all well.
I've written a macro which is assigned to a button - when the user clicks, the file is saved as the value of what is in cell C32. This new file is saved in the same destination as the original...
flToSave = .Path & "\" & .Worksheets("Store & Scheme Details NEW").Range("C32").Value _
& "_" & ".xls"
There is a formula in C32 to concatenate 5 separate cells into one name. This works perfectly when all 5 cells are filled in, however if a use misses out a box we get a '#VALUE!' error in C32. This then prompts the user of the the problematic macro and gives them the option to end or debug the macro (which I don't want them to do!!)
Any way to simply call up an error message if all 5 cells aren't filled in? Was hoping to be able to define this message myself.