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BeforeClose code working in debug but sporadically in actual execution - how can I test it

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    Re: BeforeClose code working in debug but sporadically in actual execution - how can I tes

    GeneralDisarray - yes, if I step through the code completely it does all of the coded deletions and other pieces with no issues. I can stop just about anywhere and step through it (I've tried just about every stop point I can think of) and then let it run past that point (F5) and it will work as designed. It will also work as designed if I F8 through every single step (uber tedious but I had to do it to be sure!)

    AlphaFrog - I feel like I'm responding to a celebrity I see your name here so often in my searches! I thought that since the userform was in the correct workbook that it would force the active workbook to be the correct one but I can certainly change that to make it safer.

    bDoNotRun was my best guess as to the culprit as well but I don't think I've tested it/debugged it thoroughly so it's well worth another look. I declare it as a Public function in my function module (just a regular module - I named a module for functions, one for main code and one for just admin stuff/testing)

    Public bCancelClose As Boolean 'Used in BeforeClose with the Cancel button
    Public bDoNotRun As Boolean 'Used in SetDoNotRun function to bypass BeforeClose code when needed
    Option Explicit
    I'll watch bDoNotRun and see if anything funky is happening there and then report back.

    Thank you both VERY much for trudging through that code!
    Last edited by lorikgator; 11-19-2015 at 03:08 PM. Reason: Fixed code wrapper

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