Hello All,
I have 3 Sheets "Data", "removed" & "excluded".
In Sheet "excluded" In column "A" I have 50 Keywords but I am sure that it i will grow over time.
What i want to do is to take one keyword at a time & find that keyword in "Data" & if it is found i want that entire row to "Cut" & Paste it in "next empty row in "Removed".
In the Code I found on in this area the person posted
For Example: If key word in sheet "excluded" Cell "A1" is "refresh", I want to find the word refresh in data. It Should not search exactly for the word "refresh", even if it is "Refresh Replaced" or "lease refresh" it should Cut those rows as well, As it contains the keyword in sting inside the cell.
Once it is done with the first keyword it should move on to next keyword. I have been playing with this Script that copies from another post. The team here helped get the roes copied. I attempted modify the Code and it looks like it is removing some of the rows that it is finding but for some reason I am getting duplicates and I noticed that not all the rows are being removed for the "Data" see when it finds on the words listed in the "Excluded" sheet.
I am taking no Credit for this code, I typically understand enough to tweak the code, But this one is stumping me.
The logic I was using doesn't seem to be working. I replaced the .copy with Cut on and got an error. I attempted to change the first .copy the and make the second .copy switched it to .cut and noticed that it will simply keep copying the same row over and over again. last attempted was to not modify the code and just added a fn.EntireRow.delete right before then right after the loop but got errors as well.
Any help on this is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance..