(I would post the workbook, however there is some sensitive info that my supervisor will not let me post) I am working in a bowling alley, and I've created workbooks to help keep track of our inventory. One of the workbooks has a worksheet to keep track of all of our bowling balls. The worksheet has a table with each row as a single bowling ball and columns as the info for that bowling ball (weight [9 lbs- 16 lbs], brand, size, serial number(this would be the "primary key"), date put out on rack). The table is sorted by weight first, then by brand, size, and by serial number (ascending). We are constantly replacing old bowling balls that get cracked, chipped, etc. I would like to have a VBA code for a command button next to each section so that I can insert a blank row at the bottom of that section (ex: clicking on "Add 9 lbs ball" button and it inserts a blank row underneath the last 9 lbs ball). If possible I would like for the button to add the weight into that new row. The most ideal solution is to have a button for each brand (only have 2: Linds or Eagle) "Add Linds 9 lbs Ball" or "Add Eagle 9 lbs Ball". I'm a little familiar with VBA code, however I have not been able to find out how to insert rows through a command button yet. This is for Excel 2010, we have two types of systems with different versions of Excel, but the actual workbook is on Excel 2010 (don't know if that makes a difference)