
I have an excel VB script/Macro that deletes duplicate rows, but I now need to expand it and I can't figure out how (& I’m limited for time):

What I want to do is: Compare columns A, B for duplicate rows, and if duplicate row exists, ONLY delete if column D does not say “Closed” or “Abandoned”.

Any suggestions on how to search sheet for duplicates rows based on column A B, and only delete row if column D of the duplicate row does not say “Closed” or “Abandoned”?

(At any given time, there is 100 to 3000 rows of data; thus, do not want to use filters or conditional formatting, or anything manual to visually search for duplicates and delete).

Example data:
123 John Apple Open ** This row would be deleted
124 Mary Apple Closed
125 Sara Apple Open
123 John Apple Closed
123 John Apple Pending ** This row would be deleted

Example delete duplicate VB/Macro I had previously used:
'delete duplicates rows
destSheet.UsedRange.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2), Header:=xlYes
