Hi ...

I am using Excel 2013.

I wanted to stop shared file users cutting, copying, pasting data on a worksheet as this often interfered with formulas and calculations.

I found the VB code that was supposed to offer the solution and pasted into a new 'Module!' and then rest of the code into 'ThisWorkbook'.

It partially did the trick. Cut, Copy and Paste was now removed from the Right-click sub menu... but I was still able to use the 'ctrl' keys and the functions were still available on the Ribbon.

Not satisfied with this part solution I deleted the new VB module and the code thinking this would restore the original functionality of the Excel Workbook.

It hasn't, and now on all Excel workbooks I open... it seems that Cut, Copy, Paste is disabled from the "Right-Click" Sub Menu!

Can anybody advise me on how to restore this? Please! - Confession = I am a VB Novice.


CutCopyPasteDisable VB Code for Module.txtCutCopyPasteDisable VB Code for ThisWorkbook.txt