Hello everyone.
I have a sheet of data that I fill and clear repeatedly. I would like to capture some of that data to a log sheet to maintain a history.
The attached spreadsheet functions 'almost' correctly. 
The problem I am having is; if any of the cells are empty in the data it messes up the rows in the log sheet.
This is blender code, where I have taken code from multiple sources and tried to blend them together.
How do I maintain row integrity when copying data to log sheet?
What is the purpose of the "a" in this line of code? ""LR = .Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)"" It seems like I can change it without affecting anything in the macro.
Macro -When I enter the desired date, It should copy some of the data from "existing" sheet to "ExistingLog" sheet, and maintain row integrity.
Current Code:
I have attached a sample spreadsheet..