Hi Yasser,
You always seem to have interesting and challenging questions. Try the attached file which contains the following code:
Option Explicit
Public Const sSourceWorksheetName = "Basic"
Public Const sDestinationWorksheetName = "Merged"
Public Const sDestinationWorksheetTopLeftCell = "A21"
Public Const nSpecialBlueColorIndex = 37
Public Const nSpecialGrayColorIndex = 15
Sub ClearDestinationArea()
Dim wsDestination As Worksheet
Dim myBigRange As Range
Dim myDataRange As Range
'Create the Worksheet Object
Set wsDestination = Sheets(sDestinationWorksheetName)
'Get the Range on the Destination Sheet
'Calculate the 'Data Range'
'Add two rows and move up two rows to get the entire range
Set myDataRange = wsDestination.Range(sDestinationWorksheetTopLeftCell)
Set myBigRange = myDataRange.Resize(7, 27)
Debug.Print myBigRange.Address
'Clear Object Pointers
Set wsDestination = Nothing
Set myBigRange = Nothing
Set myDataRange = Nothing
End Sub
Sub MergeCellsWithLikeData()
Dim wsDestination As Worksheet
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim r As Range
Dim myBigRange As Range
Dim myDataRange As Range
Dim myMergedRange As Range
Dim iCount As Long
Dim iRangeEndRow As Long
Dim iRangeStartRow As Long
Dim sRange As String
Dim sValue As String
Dim sValuePrevious As String
'Initial Processing
'Disable Screen Updating to improve speed performance and to eliminate screen flicker
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Create the Worksheet Objects
Set wsSource = Sheets(sSourceWorksheetName)
Set wsDestination = Sheets(sDestinationWorksheetName)
'Find the first occurence of .Sun on the Source Worksheet
'Find the first occurence of the string
'NOTE: .Find can not locate '.Sun', so looking for 'Sun' in part of the Cell
Set r = wsSource.Cells.Find(What:="Sun", _
After:=wsSource.Range("A1"), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, _
If r Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "NOTHING DONE. Could not find data table on Sheet '" & sSourceWorksheetName & "'."
End If
'Copy from the 'Source Area' to the 'Destination Area'
'Calculate the 'Data Range' on the Source Sheet
'Add two rows and move up two rows to get the entire range
Set myDataRange = r.CurrentRegion
Set myBigRange = myDataRange.Resize(myDataRange.Rows.Count + 2)
Set myBigRange = myBigRange.Offset(-2)
'Get the Start Row and End Row of the Big Range on the Source Sheet
'Copy the Range to the Destination Sheet
iRangeStartRow = myBigRange.Row
iRangeEndRow = iRangeStartRow + myBigRange.Rows.Count - 1
sRange = iRangeStartRow & ":" & iRangeEndRow
wsSource.Range(sRange).Copy Destination:=wsDestination.Range(sDestinationWorksheetTopLeftCell)
'Color and Merge Cells in the Destination Area
'Get the Range on the Destination Sheet
'Calculate the 'Data Range'
'Add two rows and move up two rows to get the entire range
Set myDataRange = wsDestination.Range(sDestinationWorksheetTopLeftCell).Offset(2, 0).CurrentRegion
Set myBigRange = myDataRange.Resize(myDataRange.Rows.Count + 2)
Set myBigRange = myBigRange.Offset(-2)
'Color each Cell in the First Row 'Special Blue'
For Each r In myBigRange.Resize(1)
r.Interior.ColorIndex = nSpecialBlueColorIndex
Next r
'Color each Cell in the Next Row 'Special Gray'
For Each r In myBigRange.Resize(1).Offset(1)
r.Interior.ColorIndex = nSpecialGrayColorIndex
Next r
'Color every 9th Cell Special Gray (starting at the first cell in each row)
'Merge adjacent cells if the values are the same (reset after a merge)
iCount = 0
For Each r In myDataRange
'Initialize the Counter that counts to 9
'Get the next value from the 'Destination Data Area'
iCount = iCount + 1
sValue = Trim(r.Value)
If iCount = 1 Then
'Color every 9th Cell Special Gray
r.Interior.ColorIndex = nSpecialGrayColorIndex
ElseIf sValue = sValuePrevious Then
'Merge adjacent cells with the same value
'Clear the value in the rightmost cell to avoid an Excel Warning message
'Create a 'Merged Range' that includes the two cells (this cell and the cell to the left)
'Clear the 'Curent Value' to avoid 3 matches in a row
r.Value = ""
Set myMergedRange = r.Offset(0, -1).Resize(, 2)
sValue = ""
End If
'Reset the counter when it reaches 9
If iCount = 9 Then
iCount = 0
End If
'Save the 'Current Value' for future use
sValuePrevious = sValue
Next r
'Enable Screen Updating
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Clear Object Pointers
Set wsSource = Nothing
Set wsDestination = Nothing
Set r = Nothing
Set myBigRange = Nothing
Set myDataRange = Nothing
Set myMergedRange = Nothing
End Sub