Hello everyone
I have a sheet named "Basic" ..I need to convert it and merge cells to another table not in the same table ..
For example : In Sheets("Basic").range("B7:C7") the values are identical (the same so they would be merged
The merge process to be in the same row (no include column) ... I mean for example B9 and B10 not to be merged although they are the same ...
Another example: V8 and W8 are to be merged together
In case there are three identical values just the first two be merged only ...
for example: G8 - H8 - I8 are the same but just G8 - H8 to be merged and I8 still as it is
In case there are four identical values : each two to be merged ..not all the cells to be merged
The desired result should be in the sheet("Merged") not in the same sheet
Hope it is clear
Thanks advanced for help