Hi All,
I am working foe a business which is running a factory made up of 6 separate machines. Each machine requires inputs/maintenance/etc at certain times (for example, one requires greasing every 15 minutes, another has to be started on low and slowly cranked up to full speed). Currently we have the two most experienced guys working the 'factory', but this is not sustainable, as they are required by other parts of the business. Ideally, I would like to be able to have a worksheet for each machine which contains pop-up reminders to take the required actions at the required times (and which tracks when pop-ups are closed).
Is this possible? I have sorted out a re-grease sheet which has the message to re-grease every 15 mins, but I can only figure out how to do it as a standalone sheet. I'm not overly savvy with VBA and the operators will be less so, so I'd love for the end user to have a start and stop button and the rest happen automatically.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, and make me look like a superstar at work...