Hello Christopher,
I have been busy but have a solution to your problem. I created two macros for the ActiveX combo boxes.
Since you are locating these by cell address, it is very important the check box fits inside the cell. The macro AddCheckBoxes will add an ActiveX check box and center it in each cell you have selected. This prevents errors in locating the check box by cell address.
The second macro MapCheckBoxes creates a dictionary object to store the check boxes in. The check boxes are returned from the dictionary by the cell address. The cell address is in absolute A1 style, i.e. $A$1. If you enter a cell address that does not have a check box, an error will occur.
I am not sure why you are using Chr(14) in your code, but I left it intact. I was going to change to Chr(13), carriage return, but decided perhaps the recipient's email client may require it.
Here is the code that has been added...
Module - Checkbox_Macros