Hi guys! I don't know the proper syntax to do this

On my active workbook I am writting code, in the code I use the HLOOKUP function that looks up a value in another closed workbook, how would you do this, using variables assigned to the file it is searching would be preferred

current file: C:\Users\Suhail\Documents\RBC\Pro Fee Dash Board\Dash Board Shell.xlsm
retrieve data from file: C:\Users\Suhail\Documents\RBC\Pro Fee Dash Board\testdata.xls

for the HLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup})
I want lookupvalue to be my Current WorkBook>Sheet = "Data">Range A3
I want the Table array to be from the Retrieve data file>Sheet = "Sheet1">Range $A$2:$AK$1345
And I want it to paste the values the next column over from the look up value so I think = 2

I am not sure the quotations and syntax when referencing another workbook.worksheet inside a formula so I get errors....If anyone knows proper syntax to use please help