Hi everyone,
I would greatly appreciate your help to solve what should be a simple item but I have not found a solution in too many attempts, and now I think I am being moronic
I have a cell located at g28 that I have named "RevModSel"
There are 6 items in my data validation list with are:
- Aggressive
- Standard
- Conservative
- Roll Your Own
- Splash a Number
- Cell by Cell
The fundamental macro I built to test my functions is as follows:
Sub IF_Test()
Select Case Range("RevModSel")
Case "Aggressive"
Range("result") = 1
Case "Standard"
Range("result") = 2
Case "Conservative"
Range("result") = 3
Case "Roll Your Own"
Range("result") = 4
Case "Splash a Number"
Range("result") = 5
Case "Cell by Cell"
Range("result") = 6
End Select
End Sub
I have read many posts that indicate that I have to add something like the code below to trigger the macro on a change of the data validation result at "RevModSel" (cell G28)
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "RevModSel" Then
Call IF_Test
End If
End Sub
However, the debugger keeps failing an I am not seeing or understanding why.
Would someone please be so kind to modify the code above to help me get this working.