Quote Originally Posted by sweep View Post
Try this

Sub c()
Dim arrTest() As Variant
Dim arrHide() As Variant
Dim rHide As Range
Dim iLoop As Integer

arrTest = Range("A1:A30000").Value
ReDim arrHide(1 To UBound(arrTest), 1)
For iLoop = 1 To UBound(arrTest, 1)
If arrTest(iLoop, 1) = "Hide" Then arrHide(iLoop, 1) = iLoop

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = False

For iLoop = 1 To UBound(arrHide)
If rHide Is Nothing Then Set rHide = Range("A" & iLoop) Else Set rHide = Application.Union(rHide, Range("A" & iLoop))

rHide.EntireRow.Hidden = True

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = True

End Sub
Thank-you sweep!
I have tested the code without any alterations but it hid the entire range (all rows to 30,0000). Could you please assist?

I appreciate it very much.
