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VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

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Hareborn VBA Code running very slow to... 09-29-2015, 01:35 PM
Kaper Re: VBA Code running very... 09-29-2015, 01:46 PM
skywriter Re: VBA Code running very... 09-29-2015, 01:47 PM
Hareborn Re: VBA Code running very... 09-29-2015, 01:59 PM
skywriter Re: VBA Code running very... 09-29-2015, 03:27 PM
Hareborn Re: VBA Code running very... 09-29-2015, 03:44 PM
skywriter Re: VBA Code running very... 09-29-2015, 04:05 PM
Hareborn Re: VBA Code running very... 09-29-2015, 04:25 PM
skywriter Re: VBA Code running very... 09-29-2015, 04:34 PM
Hareborn Re: VBA Code running very... 09-29-2015, 04:54 PM
skywriter Re: VBA Code running very... 09-29-2015, 05:10 PM
skywriter Re: VBA Code running very... 09-29-2015, 06:40 PM
Hareborn Re: VBA Code running very... 09-29-2015, 07:11 PM
skywriter Re: VBA Code running very... 09-29-2015, 10:40 PM
Hareborn Re: VBA Code running very... 09-30-2015, 05:19 AM
skywriter Re: VBA Code running very... 09-30-2015, 11:31 AM
  1. #1
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    VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    The basics of this code are to examine a spreadsheet by multiple criteria and separate it into 5 categories. Then copy 4 of the categories and only certain column of data to another spreadsheet sorting it into 4 segregated areas on the spreadsheet, inserting rows as needed. It runs as it is but takes up to a minute to make it through the 250 rows and is inserting multiple blank rows and over righting other rows. What am I missing please

    Private Sub ReportMakeReady_Click()
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
    Unload Me
    Dim FRow As Long
    Dim LRow As Long
    Dim ColAPLast1 As Long
    Dim ColAPLast2 As Long
    Dim APValues As Variant
    Dim MRValues As Variant
    Dim AP As Worksheet
    Dim MR As Worksheet
    Set AP = Worksheets("apartments")
    Set MR = Worksheets("Make Ready")
    Dim CRented As Long, CRemodel As Long, CAdmin As Long, CRNMI As Long, CStatus As Long, CUnit As Long
    Dim CTurnNotes As Long, CUnitNotes As Long, CFinal As Long, CCabinets As Long, CFridge As Long, CRange As Long
    Dim CAC As Long, CTub As Long, CCLean As Long, CPaint As Long, CVynal As Long, CUporDown As Long, CITV As Long
    Dim CCarpet As Long, CMaint As Long, CMoveIn As Long, CFloorPlan As Long, CMoveOutRemodel As Long, CTurn As Long
    Dim MRentedMain As Long, MRented1Bed As Long, MRented2Bed As Long
    Dim MAvailMain As Long, MAvail1Bed As Long, MAvail2Bed As Long
    Dim MNotAvailMain As Long, MNotAvail1Bed As Long, MNotAvail2Bed As Long
    Dim MNoticeMain As Long, MNotice1Bed As Long, MNotice2Bed As Long, MEndLine As Long
    Dim MUnit As Long, MFloorPlan As Long, MUporDown As Long, MRemodel As Long
    Dim MMoveOutRemodel As Long, MMoveIn As Long, MStatus As Long, MMaint As Long
    Dim MCarpet As Long, MVynal As Long, MPaint As Long, MClean As Long, MAC As Long, MFridge As Long
    Dim MRange As Long, MTub As Long, MUnitNotes As Long, MTurnNotes As Long, MFinal As Long, MCabinets As Long
                With Worksheets("apartments")
                    ColAPLast1 = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
                    With .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, ColAPLast1))
                        CRented = .Find("Occupied").Column
                        CRNMI = .Find("RNMI").Column
                        CAdmin = .Find("Admin").Column
                        CTurn = .Find("Turned").Column
                        CITV = .Find("ITV").Column
                        CFloorPlan = .Find("Floor Plan").Column
                        CUnit = .Find("Apartment").Column
                        CUporDown = .Find("Up or Down").Column
                        CRemodel = .Find("Remodel").Column
                        CMoveOutRemodel = .Find("MO / Remodel").Column
                        CMoveIn = .Find("Move In").Column
                        CStatus = .Find("Status").Column
                        CMaint = .Find("Maintenance").Column
                        CCarpet = .Find("Carpet").Column
                        CVynal = .Find("Linoleum").Column
                        CPaint = .Find("Painted").Column
                        CCLean = .Find("Clean").Column
                        CAC = .Find("AC").Column
                        CFridge = .Find("Fridge").Column
                        CRange = .Find("Range").Column
                        CTub = .Find("Tub").Column
                        CCabinets = .Find("Cabinets").Column
                        CUnitNotes = .Find("Unit Notes").Column
                        CFinal = .Find("Final Inspec").Column
                        CTurnNotes = .Find("Turn Notes").Column
                    End With
                End With
                With Worksheets("Make Ready")
                    ColAPLast2 = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
                    With .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, ColAPLast2))
                        MUnit = .Find("Unit").Column
                        MFloorPlan = .Find("Floor").Column
                        MUporDown = .Find("UpDown").Column
                        MRemodel = .Find("Remodel").Column
                        MMoveOutRemodel = .Find("Mo/Re Date").Column
                        MMoveIn = .Find("Move in").Column
                        MStatus = .Find("Status").Column
                        MMaint = .Find("Maint").Column
                        MCarpet = .Find("Carpet").Column
                        MVynal = .Find("Vynal").Column
                        MPaint = .Find("Paint").Column
                        MClean = .Find("Clean").Column
                        MAC = .Find("AC").Column
                        MFridge = .Find("Fridge").Column
                        MRange = .Find("Range").Column
                        MTub = .Find("Tub").Column
                        MCabinets = .Find("Cabinets").Column
                        MUnitNotes = .Find("Unit Notes").Column
                        MFinal = .Find("Final").Column
                        MTurnNotes = .Find("Turn Notes").Column
                    End With
                End With
                With MR.Range("A1:A250")
                    MRentedMain = .Find("RentedMain").Row
                    MRented1Bed = .Find("Rented1Bed").Row
                    MRented2Bed = .Find("Rented2Bed").Row
                    MAvailMain = .Find("AvailableMain").Row
                    MAvail1Bed = .Find("Available1Bed").Row
                    MAvail2Bed = .Find("Available2Bed").Row
                    MNotAvailMain = .Find("NotAvailableMain").Row
                    MNotAvail1Bed = .Find("NotAvailable1Bed").Row
                    MNotAvail2Bed = .Find("NotAvailable2Bed").Row
                    MNoticeMain = .Find("NoticeMain").Row
                    MNotice1Bed = .Find("Notice1Bed").Row
                    MNotice2Bed = .Find("Notice2Bed").Row
                    MEndLine = .Find("EndLine").Row
                End With
                With Worksheets("apartments")
                    APValues = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(250, ColAPLast1)).Value
                End With
                With Worksheets("Make Ready")
                    MRValues = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(250, ColAPLast2)).Value
                End With
        For FRow = 2 To 250
            If APValues(FRow, CAdmin) = "" And APValues(FRow, CRNMI) = "" And APValues(FRow, CITV) = "" _
                And APValues(FRow, CTurn) = "" And APValues(FRow, CRented) = "" Then
                    If APValues(FRow, CFloorPlan) = "1x1 W/D" Or APValues(FRow, CFloorPlan) = "1x1" Then
                        LRow = ((MNotAvail2Bed - MNotAvail1Bed) - 2) + MNotAvail1Bed
                        MR.Cells(MNotAvail2Bed, 1).Offset(-1).EntireRow.Insert
                    Else: APValues(FRow, CFloorPlan) = "2x1"
                        LRow = ((MNoticeMain - MNotAvail2Bed) - 2) + MNotAvail2Bed
                        MR.Cells(MNoticeMain, 1).Offset(-1).EntireRow.Insert
                    End If
            ElseIf APValues(FRow, CAdmin) = "" And APValues(FRow, CRNMI) = "" And APValues(FRow, CITV) = "" _
                And APValues(FRow, CTurn) = "X" And APValues(FRow, CRented) = "" Then
                    If APValues(FRow, CFloorPlan) = "1x1 W/D" Or APValues(FRow, CFloorPlan) = "1x1" Then
                        LRow = ((MAvail2Bed - MAvail1Bed) - 2) + MAvail1Bed
                        MR.Cells(MAvail2Bed, 1).Offset(-1).EntireRow.Insert
                    Else: APValues(FRow, CFloorPlan) = "2x1"
                        LRow = ((MNotAvailMain - MAvail2Bed) - 2) + MAvail2Bed
                        MR.Cells(MNotAvailMain, 1).Offset(-1).EntireRow.Insert
                    End If
            ElseIf APValues(FRow, CAdmin) = "" And APValues(FRow, CRNMI) = "" And APValues(FRow, CITV) = "X" _
                And APValues(FRow, CTurn) = "" And APValues(FRow, CRented) = "" Then
                    If APValues(FRow, CFloorPlan) = "1x1 W/D" Or APValues(FRow, CFloorPlan) = "1x1" Then
                        LRow = ((MNotice2Bed - MNotice1Bed) - 2) + MNotice1Bed
                        MR.Cells(MNotice2Bed, 1).Offset(-1).EntireRow.Insert
                    Else: APValues(FRow, CFloorPlan) = "2x1"
                        LRow = ((MEndLine - MNotice2Bed) - 2) + MNotice2Bed
                        MR.Cells(MEndLine, 1).Offset(-1).EntireRow.Insert
                    End If
            ElseIf APValues(FRow, CAdmin) = "" And APValues(FRow, CRNMI) = "X" And APValues(FRow, CITV) = "" _
                And APValues(FRow, CTurn) = "" And APValues(FRow, CRented) = "" Then
                    If APValues(FRow, CFloorPlan) = "1x1 W/D" Or APValues(FRow, CFloorPlan) = "1x1" Then
                        LRow = ((MRented2Bed - MRented1Bed) - 2) + MRented1Bed
                        MR.Cells(MRented2Bed, 1).Offset(-1).EntireRow.Insert
                    Else: APValues(FRow, CFloorPlan) = "2x1"
                        LRow = ((MAvailMain - MRented2Bed) - 2) + MRented2Bed
                        MR.Cells(MAvailMain, 1).Offset(-1).EntireRow.Insert
                    End If
            End If
                If LRow = 0 Then
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MUnit).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CUnit).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MFloorPlan).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CFloorPlan).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MUporDown).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CUporDown).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MRemodel).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CRemodel).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MMoveOutRemodel).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CMoveOutRemodel).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MMoveIn).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CMoveIn).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MStatus).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CStatus).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MMaint).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CMaint).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MCarpet).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CCarpet).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MVynal).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CVynal).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MPaint).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CPaint).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MClean).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CCLean).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MAC).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CAC).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MFridge).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CFridge).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MRange).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CRange).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MTub).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CTub).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MCabinets).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CCabinets).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MUnitNotes).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CUnitNotes).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MFinal).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CFinal).Value
                    MR.Cells(LRow, MTurnNotes).Value = AP.Cells(FRow, CTurnNotes).Value
                    LRow = 0
                End If
        Next FRow
        Worksheets("Make Ready").Activate
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
        Application.EnableEvents = True
        ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = True
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Hareborn; 09-29-2015 at 02:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories


    Please edit your post and use code tags as required by our http://www.excelforum.com/forum-rule...rum-rules.html it really improves readability

    Consider also posting sample workbook to play with.

    Just at the first glance - there are many
    commands - they can be quite time-consumming, especially if there is a lot of data below/above the range.
    Best Regards,


  3. #3
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    Your post does not comply with Rule 3 of our Forum RULES. Use code tags around code.

    Posting code between [CODE] [/CODE] tags makes your code much easier to read and copy for testing, it also maintains VBA formatting.

    Highlight your code and click the # icon at the top of your post window. More information about these and other tags can be found here

  4. #4
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    Sorry about the format, I fixed it.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    What should we do in this form before clicking the make ready button, to duplicate your issue?

  6. #6
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    Nothing it was the processing time of the button that was the primary issue. I have resolved that though by moving the "Unload Me" to the end of the process. I still have the issue of the form populating correctly. If you look at the form before button push you will see the layout. After button push it is a garbled mess.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    You have a very busy workbook. You don't explain where to find the code in your first post. I found it because I did a search for the name of the procedure.

    You have a lot of stuff in this workbook and to just say push a button and you will see a jumbled mess doesn't help me.
    If we are talking about the layout form the only way I know to run it is by bringing it up in the VBE and choosing F5, then clicking the make ready button and then the form disappears, so whatever it is I'm supposed to see that's a garbled mess isn't apparent to me.

  8. #8
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    Sorry, I am not articulating myself very well. The workbook has 3 sheets, Start, Make Ready, Apartments. The Start sheet has a "Start" command button to pull the userform up. On the userform is the "Make Ready" command button in question. It's function is to populate the "Make Ready" sheet with the appropriate apartment info sorted into the correct areas. This workbook also has 7 other sheets that will all work in the exact same manner but I simplified the workbook to post it on line.

  9. #9
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    Okay so I open the workbook, I push the start button, the form opens I push make ready button the form closes and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing that's a garbled mess.

  10. #10
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    The garbled mess is the "Make Ready" sheet. It is broken into 4 different sections and each section is broken between apartment size. The code should be searching the "Apartment" sheet for each of the 5 categorizes then inserting a row under the appropriate header row on the "Make Ready" sheet and coping the appropriate columns over. The "Make Ready" sheet is designed the be exported as a PDF to be printed and needs to be in an exact layout. If you look at the "Make Ready" sheet on the uploaded file before the userform command button is pushed you can see the format as it should be laid out.

  11. #11
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    That's the kind of explanation I'm looking for. I'd be happy to take a look at it. I'm busy right now, so give me some time.

  12. #12
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    You have a seriously complicated worksheet here.
    I'm trying to step through your F row loop code to see what's going on, but this function.
    Private Function MouseProc
    keeps getting triggered and then my Excel crashes. If you wrote this code and these API functions yourself I would think you are more than capable of stepping through this code and seeing what the values are and why it's doing what it's doing. If this function is triggering on every line that's probably a good clue as to why your code is so slow, as to what's going on with your other sheet I would suggest stepping through line by line and seeing what is happening.

  13. #13
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    I'm not a novice but everything I've learned has been through trial and error. The mouse function I got online, I've never worked in that area and had no idea how to do it. As for stepping though my process I tried that. But I'm not understanding why when the code says "MR.Cells(MNoticeMain, 1).Offset(-1).EntireRow.Insert" it offsets -2 once and -1 the next. Or when it scans every row on apartment sheet it inserts the row on the make ready sheet but doesn't copy the data. I'm missing something and I am lost.

  14. #14
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    MR.Cells(MNoticeMain, 1).Offset(-1).EntireRow.Insert" it offsets -2 once and -1 the next
    It's adding one row each time and it adds the row offset -1 from the current value of MNoticeMain. You have eight lines that insert rows. I put a break point on each line just to make sure it was stopping and I ran through the loop line by line several times. MNoticeMain was always 25 each time it ran and it always inserted a row above. When you insert a row above, what happens is the row appears to be pushed down. I noticed that only one of the several times that I ran the code line by line did any data appear. The data was below the blue line labeled 2 bedroom and the data was 1614F 2X1 Up 9/14/2001 Not Ready, this data appeared on one of the first times I ran the code and then the code just kept adding rows and I didn't see any data being filled in.
    Last edited by skywriter; 09-30-2015 at 11:32 AM.

  15. #15
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    Skywriter that was the kick in the teeth I needed. The row keys I am using (MNoticeMain is one of them) change location every time the loop runs and a row gets added. I had placed the keys outside the loop which was causing them to find their position once and the loop to keep over writing on itself. I moved them into the loop so that they get rechecked each time the loop runs and it works great now, Thank you.
    Last edited by Hareborn; 09-30-2015 at 05:23 AM.

  16. #16
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Code running very slow to seperate 250 rows into 5 categories

    You're welcome.

    Please click the Thread Tools drop down box above your first post and choose solved.

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