Hi I have one excel worksheet which contains 25 tables for 25 different clients. One table contains day wise data for transactions over period of 3-4 years for one client. For e.g. Table 1 is From Column A to Column N for Client no.1 & rows contain day wise transactions for 3-4 years, Table 2 from column P to Column AC is for Client no. 2 so on and so forth. Each table has 14 Columns and I want to copy Three important column from each table into another worksheet and while copying I don’t want few cells which are blank (These cells are no transactions days for a client. Each client’s no transaction day may be different).
In nutshell I want to copy client wise three columns from one worksheet in to separate sheet with ignoring blank cells. I have gone through Macro & array formulae & filter which will copy non blank cell data into another worksheet. Array formulae is making file very slow. But how do I do it for all 25 tables ? Can any one help me for macro in relation to this?