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BA code to copy multiple data in one worksheet leaving blank cells in to other worksheet

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  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Re: BA code to copy multiple data in one worksheet leaving blank cells in to other workshe

    Hi Alan,
    Thanks ton for quick help. Macro is working fine.
    But have couple of observation in Output sheet regarding Date format. (Refer Excel file - Example 1 3 Customers v1 Macro.xlsm
    1. (Refer Column - C,L & U Date appears as 13th. This is not of issue to be dealt with.
    2. Refer Cell no. D15, D20, M15, M19, V15 & V20. - Date format is changes. Instead of date appearing as 10-Sept-2013 & 1-Oct-2013 is appearing as 09-Oct-2013 & 10-Jan-2013.

    I require one more help in the macro.
    If you can edit macro to meet table requirements as per " Revised Example Data- Table size.xlsx " that will be of great help. I tried but could not succeed.
    I have inserted blank columns between the two tables. This will help me in doing further vlookup etc. into other sheets (I wont have to change formulae of column references a lot.)

    Also if you can help how to Paste screen shot of excel tables ? Somehow I could not figure out how to use it form Signature ?

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Re: BA code to copy multiple data in one worksheet leaving blank cells in to other workshe

    Hi Ripan,
    I am away from my Excel Computer just now. But I will look at all that for you as soon as i can if no one else picks it up.

    Just a few points for you to consider in the meantime:

    Quote Originally Posted by ripan81 View Post
    But have couple of observation in Output sheet regarding Date format. .....
    see again what I said about that in post 7. As I said, That may be difficult for me to do, and you will have to experiment due to Excels annoying habit of changing formats, which is further complicated by our different Excel language versions. . But I try to see if I am able to get the VBA code to "overwrite " any VBA made changes to date / Number formats in those columns. I will try. But cannot promise anything on that one..
    1) What comes up in my excel ( what i see ) for dates may be different then what you see!! So that makes it very difficult
    2) ( I expect you know that for example 1 10 2013 means the first of October 2013 to me , and may mean to you tenth of January 2013 !!!!! - Different land conventions!!! )


    Quote Originally Posted by ripan81 View Post
    Also if you can help how to Paste screen shot of excel tables ? Somehow I could not figure out how to use it form Signature ?
    _ - have another read of my notes on doing that:
    _ that is basically a summary of all that I know, so try again and then tell me at what point in trying to install the ADD - IN that you have difficulty.
    See also maybe here:
    or here:

    If it is a problem with installing the ADD-In , then I could give you a File with the code in for one from one of those Add-In tools. You would then run that as a normal code rather than as an Add-In.

    Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 09-29-2015 at 09:21 PM.
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  3. #3
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Re: BA code to copy multiple data in one worksheet leaving blank cells in to other workshe


    Date issues
    This is what I see for the first part of Table 1 Output:

    Attachment 422131

    For the reasons i mentioned already you may have to experiment yourself with the formats within both Input and Output sheets. I have not yet been successful in controlling this fully.

    Quote Originally Posted by ripan81 View Post
    I require one more help in the macro.
    If you can edit macro to meet table requirements as per " Revised Example Data- Table size.xlsx " that will be of great help. I tried but could not succeed......
    These changes should meet this new requirement:

    Const TLinc = 9: Const TLoutc = 2: Const TLinOffsetc = 26: Const TLoutOffsetc = 26 'Top left column of tables and column offsets
    Dim lc As Long: Let lc = wsOut.Cells(12, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'The Range Object ( cell ) that is the last cell  in the row of interest has the property .End ( argument Xl to left ) appleid to it. This returns a new range ( cell ) which is that of the first Range ( cell ) with something in it "looking back" the XL spreadsheet from the last cell. Then the .Column Property is applied to return a long number equal to the column number of that cell
    Dim TN As Long, lTN As Long: Let lTN = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(lc / TLoutOffsetc, 0) 'Table number,  Number of Tables  RoundUp in case not all new columns are Full
    _ ..........
    3 )
    Quote Originally Posted by ripan81 View Post
    .....can help how to Paste screen shot of excel tables ? Somehow I could not figure out how to use it form Signature ?
    See my reply in Post # 9 ___2)


    See how you get on and report back. Then I will see if I can help further


  4. #4
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Re: BA code to copy multiple data in one worksheet leaving blank cells in to other workshe

    Hi Ripan,
    Please also check the Data Sheet in " Revised Example Data- Table size.xlsx "

    I see this strange - YY

    Ripon revised Data Sheeet.JPG


    What do you see


  5. #5
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Re: BA code to copy multiple data in one worksheet leaving blank cells in to other workshe

    Hi Ripon,
    _ I have struggled in vain to overcome the mysterious Date Format changes and differences in your sheets. I still do not understand what is going on there!
    _ However, by trial and error. I have come up with a code version of my original code which appears as though it may be giving the correct results. It is a very slow code compared to my original as it involves a lot of copying and pasting. It may however be useful as an intermediate solution. NOTE I HAVE based it on the original test data , so it is BASED ON FILE: „Example -1 3 customers.xlsx‎" from Post #3

    Here is the code:


  6. #6
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    Re: BA code to copy multiple data in one worksheet leaving blank cells in to other workshe

    Hi Alan,

    I was away for last few days so could not check posts. Will check tonite & revert.


  7. #7
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    Re: BA code to copy multiple data in one worksheet leaving blank cells in to other workshe

    Hi Alan,

    In Data sheet Revised Example Data- Table size.xlsx

    I see
    Aug -13
    Aug -13
    Aug -13
    Aug -13
    Aug -13
    Aug -13
    Sep -13
    Sep -13
    Sep -13
    Sep -13
    Sep -13
    Sep -13

    Not sure why does it appears as Aug-YY etc... ?

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