Consider a variable X which has a poisson distribution with mean 1.5.
How do I generate 100 values of X using VBA ?
Consider a variable X which has a poisson distribution with mean 1.5.
How do I generate 100 values of X using VBA ?
Sub main() Dim i As Integer Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 1 To 100 Cells(i, "A") = random_Poisson(1.25) Next i End Sub Public Function random_Poisson(Mean As Double) As Double Dim e As Double, p As Double e = Exp(-Mean) p = 1 Do Until (p < e) random_Poisson = random_Poisson + 1 p = p * Rnd() Loop random_Poisson = random_Poisson - 1 End Function
Best Regards,
Here's my version of that:
It differs from yours in that the loop always executes at least once.![]()
Function RandPois(Lambda As Single, _ Optional bVolatile As Boolean = False) As Long ' shg 2007 ' UDF or VBA ' Returns a random Poisson variate with variance Lambda ' Knuth, Seminumerical Algorithms, p 132 Dim L As Single Dim k As Long Dim p As Single If bVolatile Then Application.Volatile L = Exp(-Lambda) p = 1 Do k = k + 1 p = p * Rnd() Loop Until p <= L RandPois = k - 1 End Function
I went back to Knuth, and his description is a little arm-waving. Any thought on which is correct?
Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate
Hi shg,
Honestly - I just made a search in my HomeCloud and in one of files there was this function.
But having a brief look (it's almost midnight here):
Initial p is 1
socondition could be met before first execution of loop only for e>1![]()
Until (p < e)
but asit means ... for mean <0![]()
e = Exp(-Mean)
Of course, thank you.
My pleasure :-)
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