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VBA: Getting signature data from signed and unsigned signature blocks

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Microsoft Word 2013

    VBA: Getting signature data from signed and unsigned signature blocks

    I am using Microsoft Office 2013.

    I have a number of Excel and Word documents all of which contain a number of signature blocks.
    I want to be see which signature blocks have been signed and which ones have not been signed.
    My problem is that in the simplified VBA code below Signatures.Count only returns the number of SIGNED blocks.
    How do I get data from both signed and unsigned signature blocks.

    Sub getsigdata()

    Dim signer As String

    countsigs = ActiveDocument.Signatures.Count

    If countsigs > 0 Then
    For i = 1 To countsigs

    signer = ActiveDocument.Signatures.Item(i).Setup.SuggestedSigner
    MsgBox (signer)
    Next i

    End If

    End Sub

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Re: VBA: Getting signature data from signed and unsigned signature blocks

    You've probably found the answer by now but this is for people like me
        Dim wb As Workbook
        Dim sig_nb As Long ' number of signature in document
        Dim sig_signed As Long ' number of signed signature in document
        Dim sig_unsigned As Long ' number of unsigned signature in document
        Set wb = ThisWorkbook
        wb.Signatures.Subset = msoSignatureSubsetSignatureLines
        sig_nb = wb.Signatures.Count
        wb.Signatures.Subset = msoSignatureSubsetSignatureLinesSigned
        sig_signed = wb.Signatures.Count
        wb.Signatures.Subset = msoSignatureSubsetSignatureLinesUnsigned
        sig_unsigned = wb.Signatures.Count
        If sig_nb = 0 Then
            MsgBox "Workbook has no signature", vbOKOnly
            MsgBox "Workbook has " & sig_nb & "signature", vbOKOnly
        End If
        If sig_signed = 0 Then
            MsgBox "Workbook has no signed signature", vbOKOnly
            MsgBox "Workbook has " & sig_signed & " signed signature", vbOKOnly
        End If
        If sig_unsigned = 0 Then
            MsgBox "Workbook has no unsigned signature", vbOKOnly
            MsgBox "Workbook has " & sig_unsigned & " unsigned signature", vbOKOnly
        End If

  3. #3
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    Re: VBA: Getting signature data from signed and unsigned signature blocks

    This Thread is old, but i have the exact same problem/question.
    The answer did not work for me.
    I get signatures only when i use subset = 0 (msoSignatureSubsetSignaturesAllSigs).

    Maybe someone knows my mistake:

      Dim oobjWDApp As Object 'Word.Application
      Dim oobjDoc As Object  'Word.Document
      Dim owdRange As Object ' Word.Range
    Set oobjWDApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    oobjWDApp.Visible = False
    Set oobjDoc = oobjWDApp.Documents.Open(strQuellDat, ReadOnly:=True)
    oobjDoc.Signatures.Subset = 0
    Debug.Print "0 -> " & oobjDoc.Signatures.Count
    oobjDoc.Signatures.Subset = 1
    Debug.Print "1 -> " & oobjDoc.Signatures.Count
    oobjDoc.Signatures.Subset = 2
    Debug.Print "2 -> " & oobjDoc.Signatures.Count
    oobjDoc.Signatures.Subset = 3
    Debug.Print "3 -> " & oobjDoc.Signatures.Count
    oobjDoc.Signatures.Subset = 4
    Debug.Print "4 -> " & oobjDoc.Signatures.Count
    oobjDoc.Signatures.Subset = 5
    Debug.Print "5 -> " & oobjDoc.Signatures.Count
    oobjDoc.Signatures.Subset = 6
    Debug.Print "6 -> " & oobjDoc.Signatures.Count
    Output looks like this:
    0 -> 5
    1 -> 0
    2 -> 0
    3 -> 0
    4 -> 0
    5 -> 0
    6 -> 5
    The docx File has 9 Signaturelines, 5 signed, 4 not.
    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by LeeHannah; 02-04-2022 at 06:04 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: VBA: Getting signature data from signed and unsigned signature blocks

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    Enthusiastic self-taught user of MS Excel who's always learning!
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