Good day,

I am currently using a Array index function to return multiple values based on data entered into cells D2-D10000.

My workbook is divided into 7 sheets. A main data sheet whereby I enter data in columns A-Z.

Depending on the letter(a,b,c,d) entered into D2-D10000, the data intered into E-Z in my main data sheet will then be "copied" to my other 6 sheets using an array index function based on the letter entered into D2-D10000 in my main data sheet.

The array formula used in my 6 sheets to return multiple values:
{=IFERROR(INDEX('Combined Cancellations'!$A:$Q,SMALL(IF('Combined Cancellations'!$D$2:$D$9892="b",ROW('Combined Cancellations'!$D$2:$D$9892)),ROW(1:2)),2),"")}

Is there a VBA code I can use to perform a similar task?

Any help would be appreciated